Any individual who wants to get the most from their hiking activities has to be sure that they have the right equipment.
Check the Resources
Some opinions may be different as to what is the best equipment to be used for hiking. There are plenty of tips and hints available, which will help to decide what is best according to the type of hike that is going to be taken.
Equipment for Day Hikes
One of the most enjoyable and popular versions of this activity is day hiking. Even for this, there is a certain amount of equipment that will be needed.
To know what equipment is going to be needed, the planning for the day hike has to be done first. This helps to dictate what type of gear will be needed for that particular trip. The equipment needed can change according to the hike itself.
Things that need to be considered are:
- The location itself and how remote it is
- What the weather is going to be like
- How long is the hike going to be
Items Which Will Be Needed
Everyday items that are needed on every hike are as follows:
- Backpack suited for hiking
- Clothing pertinent to the weather. For example, if the forecast is for rain, then rain-resistant clothing will be needed. If it is going to be hot, then moisture wicking clothing is the best choice
- Proper footwear for hiki
- A good supply of water
- Food appropriate for hiking. High nutrition and energy foods but lightweight for carrying
- Navigation tools
- First aid kit
- Multi-tool knife
The Hiking Location
The location of the hike is going to play a significant role in what is going to be needed for the trek. The more challenging it is, the more additional equipment may be required. For example:
- A water filter may be needed. Some individuals are now using straws which are made for water purification for their day trips, just in case they run out of drinking water.
- When it comes to the food, it is always wise to carry a little extra in case some of it gets damaged. Or if the hike turns out to be longer than anticipated.
- Carrying a whistle may be another option for those who are not familiar with the trail they have chosen, or if it is in a heavily forested area.
- Lighter or matches: These are small and lightweight so they should be carried at all times.
Some of the additional items being suggested for more challenging hikes are as a precaution if a hiker gets lost. These extra items can be critically important in that case.
Careful planning has to be implemented when choosing equipment. The hiker has to be cautious that they don’t take too much, as this will tire them quickly when hiking. At the same time, they have to be sure they have the essentials needed for the hike.